2022 New Years Resolution
I'm not sure what to think of 2021 tbh. I've spent a lot of time working on personal projects last year (still not quite as much as I'd like though) and had some great ideas, but haven't really gotten to finish that many things.
I've never been great at fulfilling my new years resolution (might be because I tend to forget half the stuff I want to get done all the time), so I thought I'd start the year off by writing everything down and sharing it with the threeandahalf people I'll probably have to force to read through this.
With that out of the way, here's the list of things, sorted by how likely I think it is, that I'll actually get them done.
# Release my component library
I've been putting together a footprint and symbol library for KiCad over the last few months, featuring a bunch of eurorack specific components, inculding relatively highly detailed 3D models for everything. It's pretty much ready for a initial release, I'll just need to do some finishing touches, refining some models if necessary and also getting everything up to date with KiCad 6.
# Finish the pcb/svg2blender addons
Creating WIP product renders is fun! But getting 3D models of pcbs and frontpanels into blender currently involves a lot of repetitive, manual labour. I've been creating some addons/extensions for KiCad, Inkscape and Blender to completely automate the process. There are still some missing features though and I also need to update everything to work with the latest versions of each software.
# Blog more!
I want to share more WIPs of projects I'm working on and also create semi-detailed writeups on interesting things and techniques I've learned, that could be helpful for other people.
# Add rss / newsletter support to this site
This one goes hand in hand with the last one: If I'm actually going to share more stuff here and people actually like it, it might be a good idea to setup a system to notify them, when I post something new.
# Start writing my bachelor thesis
Urgh. I've been putting it off for more than half a year now, so yeah, I kinda need to get started working on this real bad...
# Release 2+ eurorack products
I've done a second revision of a eurorack output module, aswell as a breadboard/prototyping module. Once I've confirmed they actually work, I want to get in contact with possible resellers, to see if it'd be viable to sell some modules/kits. I'm still kinda scared of the whole "business" side of things, but I'll see how it goes.
# Fix my sleeping schedule